Thursday, August 29, 2013

From "Girl" to "Boy"


Don't play those video games for too long, it'll waste away your day as well as your mind; try to be active in school; do your homework right the first time, I want to see my baby succeed; remember to make friends in school, and choose them wisely; don't get in fights, I don't want my baby to get hurt; try and play a sport to make your father proud; if you can't play a sport then get good grades; do good in school so you can go to college; find a good career to go into, but you can't do anything too dangerous, so become a lawyer or a doctor; but what if I want to be a police officer?; I just don't want to see my baby get hurt; when you meet a girl, treat her right; take lessons after your father; always pick her up from her home and meet her parents; open the doors for her; treat her like a princess, girls watch all those romantic movies and they expect it; never try to make a...what do you call it... "move" during the first date, girls don't like that; if you take her out at night, remember to stay by her side when you're walking back to the car in the dark; be careful in the city at night in general, I don't want my baby to get hurt; don't grow up too fast; remember that your family loves you and will be proud of you no matter what; remember that mommy loves her little boy.


  1. I actually really like this it's pretty amazing, you seem like you care very much how the son turns out.

  2. It must be tough on a mother. She is concerned about her baby boy getting hurt...and there are so many different ways a son can get hurt--not just physically but emotionally as well. I also appreciate the way you've made this seem so real. This works especially well in the sentence where you show her inability to choose the right word. She's unsure whether "making a move" is the right way to refer to this action. She's obviously uncomfortable, and it shows. Thanks!
