I will always remember coming home after school
Off the bus and down the street
Walking up my driveway, opening the front door
Excited to get inside
Knowing exactly who would be excited to see me.
Walking into my room, dropping my backpack as I went
Watching her poke her head out of her handmade home
Inside the cage she lived
Where she spent most of her time alone.
I would open the cage,
And she'd jump out with ease
Just like a dog, excited to see me
Cinnamon the rat
Or Cinnie, as I would affectionately call her.
I'd let her run around, maybe get her a snack
And soon she'd be in my lap, munching away.
I'd play with her, and watch her scurry
Little brown body, with patches of white
Long and lean tail, the whole length of her body.
I'd let her run around for ever it seemed,
Petting her and watching her burrow under the blanket.
Looking back on all our time spent together,
I will always remember
Her and me
My inclination is to think "yuck" about rats, and yet it's hard to do that, given the tone you set here in relation to your pet. It's all about word choice, and "munching" and "scurry" make me think I need to rethink my attitude about rats :)